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market-oriented policy中文是什么意思

用"market-oriented policy"造句"market-oriented policy"怎么读"market-oriented policy" in a sentence


  • 以市场为导向的政策


  • The effect of non - equilibrium information and risk in china ' s acm has been analyzed . the outline of the market - oriented policy of agricultural credit has been described
    ( 3 )分析了信息非均衡和信贷风险对中国农业信贷市场的影响,并提出克服非均衡信息和信贷风险的政策取向。
  • The company maintains the human - oriented and market - oriented policy , and strictly maintains the principle of credit in business and operation , which have laid a solid foundation for greater development of the company
  • There is generally greater recognition of the beneficial impact of market - oriented policies , and greater realisation that globalisation has made intervention , however desirable it might be in some cases , a great deal less effective
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